Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So....I've Been Reading

That's where I've been. I checked out a book from the library on a whim, and turns out-it was great. It's called "Remember Me?" by Sophie Kinsella. Apparently she has a whole "Shopaholics" series and a couple of others as well. I went back today to get something else of hers, and they were all checked out. I'm thinking, "Wow, she must be good". I am now onto "Something Borrowed" by Emily Giffin, we'll see how that works out.

In the meantime, I am still boycotting the Olympics, though I'm finding it hard to miss out on the swimming and gymnastics. I'm hanging in there though.

I have heard on the news that China may be cheating on the girls gymnastics.....and apparently the committee is not investigating.....geez people.....

Oh well, I think I'll put my nose in a book and enjoy the last days of summer.....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Baking Bender

The last few days have been filled with one of my favorite pastimes, baking.

In the past, I have created very yummy bites when I bake. Since we've been in the new house, I've been disappointed with the results. Part of me was wondering if it had to do with going from a gas oven to an electric. I have since realized it's more than that.

I made croissants from scratch Friday. They were enjoyable-don't get me wrong, but the dough wasn't as light and flaky as I would have liked. The two loaves of bread I made were also too dense. Then came the pie crust. Pie crust is one of those things I don't particularly enjoy making, but had perfected (so I thought) about 2 years ago, so I don't see a reason to buy the refrigerated ones anymore. The last few times I have tried, it is a total disaster. The first batch I actually threw away, the second was tough-too wet, and the third was awful as well-cracked, fragile. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and it's driving me crazy! I'm using Martha Stewart's recipe as always, also using my Cuisinart, as always. I researched it, and it appears that I'm not adding enough water.......about a 1/4 c.

So, what pies did I make you ask? I've made two rustic tarts. Plum, and peach. They're in the oven now, so we shall see......