Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thank You Ohio, and Hello Ina!

Remember my post about the guy on death row in Ohio who thought that he deserved to appeal because he was too fat? Well, they executed him. You have to read the whole story about him, but I just wanted to say, "Thank You Ohio". Now there's one less rapist and murderer that the taxpayers are having to foot the bill for.

I got an e-mail this morning from Ina Garten. I realize it was one of those mass e-mails, but still, it was from Ina. You know Ina, the Barefoot Contessa, LOVE her. She has just come out with a new cookbook, I ordered a signed copy-don't tell Chandler.....he might actually think that was a frivolous purchase, what does he know.....

So, I'm back to water aerobics. I have started at Lifetime Fitness. It's a very nice facility, the teachers are great, and I'm having a lot of fun. That was the final piece of the puzzle to getting my life back on track. The final piece, but what a big piece it was.

One of my friends, Leigh is having a baby soon. I know she reads this blog from time to time, so I can't tell you what I got her, but buying all those baby things can be quite dangerous....I'm not sure, but I think they make my clock tick, you know what I mean? To this day I can't go in Babies R Us, I'm certain they pump some kind of smell in that place that makes me get baby fever again. Don't worry though, I remain strong, that and my husband's been "fixed".....

I'm off to read my little one a bedtime story, have a good day......

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Uh, Hello...We Would Like A Refund.....

You have got to be freakin kidding me! AIG execs took a week long retreat to a very expensive spa in CA just days after the bail out and used $440,000.00 of our money to do it. We have people losing their homes, and they thought it would be a good idea to play golf, and go to the spa.....This is just jaw dropping. I think at the very least they need to be fired. I wish they could have criminal charges pressed against them, I feel like that's stealing money. It's kind of like the person who's on the PTA board at the local school taking out of the kid's fund. I know the economy is worrying everyone, but the silver lining here is that it will help us learn how to be more thrifty and simplify our lives. After all the most important thing in life is people, not things...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Back In The Saddle Again

We got back Saturday, late morning. Since that time it has been non stop medicine, groceries, laundry, floors, dishes, and kids. Did you notice I left out sleep? That's because there's been none. J is doing great. He was in quite a bit of pain when they wheeled him into recovery, they kept him on morphine for about the first twelve hours, and since then he has been taking hydracodone for the pain. Chandler and I have been so tired. He came home at night to take care of Meg and Annabelle (the weiner dog), and I stayed at the hospital w/ J. We were at Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas. As you already know, I was so nervous! I have to say-they were awesome! They really put my nerves to ease, walked me thru everything, and I knew they were taking care of my child as if he was there own. I can't say enough good about them.

Last night I actually got to sleep until 430 this morning, so I'm feeling pretty rested. It will be good to get back to normal, and get the house back in order. Plus, it's definitely Fall. I love Fall-it's my favorite season. That helps motivate me to cook, and get things done. Tonight is herb roasted chicken, sweet potato mash, and steamed broccoli-my kind of comfort food......

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Time Has Come

I've been freaking out to say the least for the last couple of days. Obviously I knew that J's surgery was coming on, but had no idea how fast. I got a call Monday afternoon that he is scheduled for this Friday. That's fast.

I have been completely tied in knots over the whole anesthesia thing. It's weird-I know, but here's what I've learned thus far: when your child is going thru this, you feel like the only mom on the universe with these feelings. Not sure why...but even though friends of mine have been thru this and tell me it will be fine, I just think, "really? do you understand that I just said anesthesia?" I'm crazy - I know. Once he wakes from the procedure, I know a lot of my anxiety will be gone.

I have also made the decision that I am know blocking negative thoughts from my brain, and I am only going to be positive.....until I slip that is....

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Sun Shone On Me Today

I woke today with a decision. A decision that life is too short to be so stressed. I realize that there will be difficult decisions, and hard days, but we will get thru them. So, I decided I'm not going to lay down and let this roofing company get the best of me. We're suing them. I also signed that permission slip for the field trip, and am moving forward for J's surgery.

I went to the market today, opened my sun roof, and played my music. A little sunshine and a good tune is a surefire cure for what ails. Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Stress Is Getting The Best Of Me

I have to get all this off my chest. I am so stressed I feel like I'm walking around in a daze, because I can't deal with all this stress!

Where do I start?

First, moving is a stressful thing to begin with. Selling the old house, getting a new one while living with your parents, who by the way don't do well with children....

Second, I think this house might cursed. I swear to you that anything that can go wrong, has. Anything that should work, doesn't. And you know the inspectors that we paid hundreds for, aren't responsible....

Third, hail storms are not fun. We had to get a new roof, and the roofers that we so painstakingly chose have decided to completely screw us. They have not finished the job, and are now billing us for the substandard work, and additional projects that have not been completed. Oh, and did I mention they are threatening to sue and have put a lien on the house?

Forth, I wish Jacob didn't need surgery. My son was born with a minor birth defect. He now has to have surgery to give him functionality of his right hand. I'm terrified of the anesthesia. I wish we didn't have to do this.

Fifth, why does Megan have to be so difficult? I have a child that is bound and determined to run the show. She has the idea that she's the adult, and her father and I are just idiots. Of course I feel like this is my fault-where did I go wrong?

Sixth, I miss my dog. I hate that Norman had pain before I had to put him down. Maybe I should have helped him sooner. I miss his presence.

Seventh, why am I seen as the one who can be difficult? Megan's school has sent home a permission slip for a field trip, great sounds like fun, right? Wrong! They will only allow her to go if I sign away all liability protecting the district, teachers, employees, or other persons involved in the trip. What's to protect Megan?

Eighth, there's a report of people who are casing our neighborhood and breaking into homes. Need I say more on this topic?

I think I'm going to hide under the covers.....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Was "That" Mom

One of my good friends went out of town to visit her mother who had just moved into a new home. She asked me to keep an eye on her children while she was away. She has a 17 yr old, 14 yr old, and a 12 yr old. No big....They are all really good kids, and amazingly self sufficient. Sounds like a breeze, huh? Well, you would have thought I was the one in charge of all managing the Waltons. I found myself driving the minivan like a mad woman on a mission. I never realized it could be so nimble.... I don't know where my brain went on vacation, but I hope it had a good time. Not only did I forget my haircut appt on Saturday, but I also forgot to take the youngest to speech class on Monday morning. What's better, I didn't realize I forgot the Mon appt till I was already running late, had the dog with me, no make up on, and my kid didn't have shoes on. Oh, and did I mention I left the directions to the facility at home too? There's something about having more than two children to keep up with that throws me in a tail spin. I had them for five days, and managed the swim practice, birthday parties, soccer practice and games, speech class, getting them ready for school, lunches, and homework. Needless to say, I was so glad when the Eagle finally landed :-).

On a completely different topic-have you heard about the two high school kids in Flower Mound? They ran across the football field last Fri night at the game, one dressed like a gorilla, the other a banana. Can you believe the school pressed charges, and made the kids spend the night in jail????? They then wanted to send them to the alternative school with all the thugs. What is up with you people? Have we gotten to a point where jokes are unacceptable? Get a grip!

Speaking of getting a grip....There's a 72 yr old man in Southlake who has been keying Hummers. He has been caught on tape, confessed and turned himself in. He now faces two yrs in prison. When asked why he did it, he said it was because of environmental reasons. Apparently they use 4x's the gas than other vehicles. Now, I'm a big environmentalist, but even I know that's going too far....He did make me feel better about myself though :-)........

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Long Time, No Hear

I'm still around, just a bit lazy. I've had a computer virus, and then an actual virus-what are the chances?
Life has fallen into the ho hum of school, carpool, and muggy September weather in Texas. Oh, and did I mention football? Even though I am a Texan thru and thru, football has never been a priority shall we say. Since we have moved from Austin, I actually miss the Longhorns! I have never been a Cowboy's fan, and that's all you hear about here. So, tonight was a welcome event as the Longhorns are playing Rice-Go Horns!

I have to tell you guys something before I forget! It's random-get ready-

I have been searching for the best natural deodorant. I have found it! It came by recommendation of my friend Cindy. It's the natural salt deodorant. You know those rocks that have been around forever? They actually work, who knew?! I swear, I can work in the yard, work up a seat, and I'm not so offensive that the dog howls :-).

Anywhoo, meeting up with Leslie tomorrow. Off to see The Women. I'll report back and let you know what I think.

Hope all is well, take care!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

That's Quite a Pick....

If you're breathing right now, you are painfully aware of McCain's new VP choice. Wow that choice has created quite the media stir....I had the TV on in the background while doing other things, and just saw a picture of her in a flag bikini holding a gun. They said it was photoshoped, but I had to chuckle. My first thought is, if that's her body, I'm jealous. She looks pretty good for having five children..... My second is, this is so ridiculous. We are hearing all about her 17 year old daughter, and her baby daddy's blog, but not much on where she stands on the issues. Hello NBC, ABC, and CBS in case you were not aware, and hadn't heard from the others, it's your job to give us the news, not the smut. It would be great if we could just get some straight talk on the issues.

I am certainly looking forward to the convention this week. I watched the democrats, and listened to what Obama had to say. I will say the speech he gave closing night was quite good, I thought. I liked what he had to say, I would just like to hear how he's going to fulfill these lofty goals he has set out for himself and the country.

I would also like to hear what McCain has to say-ABOUT THE ISSUES.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Daily Grind

The long weekend was enjoyable. We did in fact enjoy some smoked ribs. Dad smoked, and he and Mom came over for dinner Saturday night. I made the coleslaw and baked beans. Instead of cabbage I used 2 bags of that broccoli slaw mix you get in the produce dept. I made the dressing with 1c of mayo, 2T white wine vin, 1/4c sugar, and S&P. I added dried cranberries and chopped walnuts. Then, just for a little something, I sprinkled with chopped crispy bacon. Yum. The baked beans were nothing fancy, just some Bush's.

I got an early start and got my house cleaned and ready for the week this morning. That feels better.....I can't seem to concentrate on anything until the house is put together. A little compulsive, I know....

I have not completed my experiment on the muffins. I started reading on the web, and it doesn't seem to be recommended. I'll have to do more research first.

So, I have to share. I am not usually the girl that causes trouble....... shush Chandler.

Really, I'm not. It just seems to find me. Anyhow, I was in the car line waiting to pick up Megan and Ashlyn, (carpooling started today) minding my own business, reading a book and this snotty lady came up to my car and in her "I'm better than you" condescending voice, asked that I not block the sidewalk and wait somewhere else. Now, I was blocking the walkway-I admit that. The line was long, and I should have waited in the street, but before I really thought about it I pulled in. By that time I was committed. So, I thought to myself, okay lesson learned I'll wait in the street next time. I responded to her that I knew my location, and would park elsewhere the next time. Well, that little you know what went and told the principle! The vice principle, Ms. Renee Fleming, decided to come out and I swear, yell at me. As I tried to apologize and explain that I was going to move but cars are now behind me, and I'm committed. She proceeded to speak to me like I had just done something terribly wrong, I'm embarrassed to say, it about brought me to tears......She proceeded to make a huge scene, ask other parents to move, the whole thing.

I'm chalking it up to her having a bad day, I guess I was just there........

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Looking To The Weekend

I know it's only Thursday, but I can't help but look to the upcoming weekend. I ran my errands this morning, and only have to go to the grocery tomorrow. There have been talks of perhaps some smoked ribs, which you know is perfect with a cold Shiner. The kids are begging for a sleepover with friends, crazy do I feel? My Mom is having another surgery that I will be providing chauffer services for tomorrow, do I really want 3 additional children at my house? Though if I do agree to tomorrow it would be over an done in time for a long weekend.

I got a new book at the liabrary. "The Story of a Marriage" by Andrew Sean Greer. We'll see how that works out. I'm kinda diggin this liabrary thing. I've been going to Barnes and Noble for so many years I forgot what it was like to go pick out a few books and walk away without spending a dime.....

I think I'm going to perform a culinary experiement. It's so hard to get a yummy, warm breakfast with no effort. I don't exactly like to cook breakfast, but my kids love to eat it, as do I. So, I'm going to make a batch of muffin batter, leave in the fridge overnight, and bake the next morning. I'm thinking it will be okay as long as I use the double acting baking powder. I saw Ina Garten do this with a batch she made, I wonder if it works for all. If so, wouldn't that be a great trick to use? What's better than a warm muffin with your coffee? Maybe a warm croissant....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back In The Saddle Again

Since Megan started school on Monday (4th grade!), I figured it was time to get back to being "organized, and on top of things Mom". I have been a bit lazy with my cooking over the summer, it's just been too hot.

I asked Meg what she wanted for dinner on her first day, and of course she chose her favorite Shrimp Scampi Pasta dinner. We had that Monday night, but last night I was in the mood for something homey. We had brown sugar glazed pork chops, haricot verts (fancy green beans) with EVOO and walnuts, and the greatest mashed potatoes ever! I tried something different with them. I cut my yukon golds into six pieces, and steamed them. Meanwhile, I softened some sliced shallots in butter, and then added milk to warm. Once the potatoes were done, I put them into a bowl to mash and gradually added the milk mixture with S&P. I also used a new glaze on the pork chops. About a 1/4c of b. sugar mixed with 1T of dijon. Yummy! BTW-I got that from Martha's Everyday Food mag-I love that little magazine, what a gem...

Just in case you're wondering, we're having soft tacos tonight....It's hatch chile season.....

It's funny how no matter how old you get, the start of school feels like a new beginning. I can't help but get the house in order, and tweak my routine to try to be even more efficient. I guess those formative years really do stay with us.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Reading Is All Fizzled Out

Per my old post, I have been reading like a mad woman. Summer has been hot, so of course I've been lazy. Reading a good book sounded like the perfect solution, and it was, if only for a while. I've read "Something Borrowed" by Emily Giffin, great read. It's quite the page turner, and quite enjoyable. I then went on to her next novel, "Something Blue". This was a good read as well though I felt she spent too much time catching those who have not read the previous one up on all the details. I have just started her third novel, "Baby Proof". I've read the first three chapters and have yet to be enchanted.

We are having our new roof put on in the next few days, so I will have to be out of the house the entire time. I'm thinking a trip to the library is in order to help fill the space. Maybe I'll see what else they have. Oh, I also started reading "Can You Keep A Secret?" by Sophie Kinsella. Read thru the first couple chapters and not hooked. Hmmm, is it me or the books? I'm not sure. With everything that's been going on lately, I'm in a bit of a funk. I got my new espresso machine in the other day, haven't even taken it out of the box.......This is big for me-I'm a latte lover.

Tonight is meet the teacher night up at Megan's school. She starts Monday, so it's back to the grindstone. Maybe that will get me back in the swing of things....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We'll Miss You, Norman

Norman was our wiener dog that Chandler and I got when we were first married back in 96. He was a mini black and tan that caused so much trouble, but we loved him anyway. We nursed him thru two back surgeries and one broken heart. He was very attached to Junior, one of my other dachshunds that passed away in 2002. That's the time we got Annabelle from dachshund rescue. Norman had become much less active after his back surgeries, especially this last one in 2005. Chandler and I debated on whether or not to put him down at that time, but he seemed happy, so we did everything we could to help him. Between the physical therapy, and acupuncture, he made great strides and still had quality of life. In the last couple of years during his routine vet visits, the vet mentioned that his heart was deteriorating. He was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure last month. He had actually collapsed a couple of times in the last couple of weeks, but after a period of rest, was okay. Well, Saturday night, we think he experienced a stroke. Sunday morning he was alive, but lifeless. He didn't seem to be in any pain, so I thought that maybe he just need to rest for the day. But, then he started to vomit, and seemed to be in pain, so at about 1:30 in the morning on Monday morning, I took him into the emergency vet. I really wanted to take him to his usual vet, but I was not going to let him suffer.

The vet took very good care of him, he was very respectful. Norman went so peacefully. I know this sounds crazy, but I think he was relieved. I was relieved for him. I spent the day yesterday remembering all his antics, and the crazy things he would do, like eat a jar of Vaseline.....That dog opened the jar, and ate the entire thing! He pooped Vaseline for a week.....Those things make me chuckle, and remember him fondly. I will miss him always. We have taken him to our normal vet, and we're having him cremated so that I can keep his ashes with pictures, his collar, and favorite toy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So....I've Been Reading

That's where I've been. I checked out a book from the library on a whim, and turns out-it was great. It's called "Remember Me?" by Sophie Kinsella. Apparently she has a whole "Shopaholics" series and a couple of others as well. I went back today to get something else of hers, and they were all checked out. I'm thinking, "Wow, she must be good". I am now onto "Something Borrowed" by Emily Giffin, we'll see how that works out.

In the meantime, I am still boycotting the Olympics, though I'm finding it hard to miss out on the swimming and gymnastics. I'm hanging in there though.

I have heard on the news that China may be cheating on the girls gymnastics.....and apparently the committee is not investigating.....geez people.....

Oh well, I think I'll put my nose in a book and enjoy the last days of summer.....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Baking Bender

The last few days have been filled with one of my favorite pastimes, baking.

In the past, I have created very yummy bites when I bake. Since we've been in the new house, I've been disappointed with the results. Part of me was wondering if it had to do with going from a gas oven to an electric. I have since realized it's more than that.

I made croissants from scratch Friday. They were enjoyable-don't get me wrong, but the dough wasn't as light and flaky as I would have liked. The two loaves of bread I made were also too dense. Then came the pie crust. Pie crust is one of those things I don't particularly enjoy making, but had perfected (so I thought) about 2 years ago, so I don't see a reason to buy the refrigerated ones anymore. The last few times I have tried, it is a total disaster. The first batch I actually threw away, the second was tough-too wet, and the third was awful as well-cracked, fragile. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and it's driving me crazy! I'm using Martha Stewart's recipe as always, also using my Cuisinart, as always. I researched it, and it appears that I'm not adding enough water.......about a 1/4 c.

So, what pies did I make you ask? I've made two rustic tarts. Plum, and peach. They're in the oven now, so we shall see......

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Olympics

For any of you following the Olympics, you all know that it kicks off Friday. I have always been excited about the Olympics, its beginning, and thru it all ready for its end. That is after the ladies gymnastics, and of course watching cutie Michael Phelps. This year however has brought on new feelings. I am not sure that I will watch any of the Olympics, even previously mentioned cutie....

Why you ask? I know this sounds silly to some, but because of where it's being held, and how they treat their people. How can I be excited to watch the gymnastics, and Mr. Phelps when they are performing the very land that so many people were forced off of. These people were were made homeless so that China could put on appearances. Shame on you China. I don't understand why the committee that chooses where the Olympics are top be held chose China in the first place, and why they allowed the construction to continue when they found out what was going on, in the second place. Why are more people not boycotting this event?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Here's Your Pint Cont'd

After spending time on what I thought was one of my best posts, it didn't post....Weird.
Hmmm, I'll attempt to recreate today what was great yesterday. I'm picking up from yesterday. Here goes.

Where I didn't have to order anything off the kids menu, or make sure drinks came with lids. We met Mom and Dad for lunch, enjoyed our time and left them with the kids. We then started out for the museum, got our tickets, and started what was an amazing two hours. We got to see Monet, Renoir, Cezanne and other's amazing work. I know for some this doesn't sound all that amazing, but even Chandler who wasn't as excited as I was enjoyed this. I of course appreciated their beauty, but along with that-what I didn't expect was seeing what you don't in the reproductions. Their talent. When you get up close to the paintings the amazing talent comes thru. The colors are so vibrant, the brush strokes on some deliberate, and others look like they were done with speed, yet turned out such detailed pictures. Speaking of detail, the clothes, skin, jewelry on the works were unbelievable. I swear I felt that if I touched the painting, it would feel lifelike. We spent that time with many others who enjoyed the exhibit as well. As you walked the rooms all you could hear were whispers of people saying how unbelievable, amazing and incredible they all were.

After the museum we went to Barnes and Noble just to enjoy the peace and quiet. Before we knew it, it was 6:30. We ventured off to dinner and had a wonderful meal before going home.

I had a great birthday, thanks to everyone who played a part in making my day so enjoyable.

Now for the pint of rocky road. You know how in rocky road there are different parts that come together to make it perfect.? Above is the sweet, below is the rocky.

There is a "man" on death row in Ohio who is set to be executed on Oct 14th for the 1986 rape and murder of two young women. His lawyers filed a federal lawsuit yesterday stating that he couldn't be executed because he is too fat. He's 5'7" and 260 something. His argument is that they will not be able to get to his veins to administer the first drug that puts him to sleep which would make the administration of the second, which kills him, very painful. I had to shake my head at this one. Many things came to mind, I share but a few with you now. Why are we as taxpayers forced to pay for this kind of trial, when I'm sure most of us would rather put money towards cancer research? The gov has cut funding for this because we can't afford it, I get that we can't afford it and I understand why, but why cut that and not cut the appeals of animals like this? Why not give him literally bread and water until Oct 14th, I bet he loses a few pounds....And why is he so overweight? What are they running in Ohio, a resort with midnight buffet? I'm totally fine if he doesn't want the needle, in fact I think they should have a choice. The needle, the oak tree or the chair-any of these work fine for me. Last question-why oh why do we care about his comfort when he cared so little for the women he tortured then murdered?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Here's Your Pint....

Saturday was my birthday. What a day it was! I decided in lieu of gifts, I wanted to have a child free day to enjoy the Impressionists Exhibit at the Kimball Art Museum, and go to dinner with my husband.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I Am So Confused......

For those of you who have been reading my blog, you're aware that I have been using the "Love and Logic" approach on my children for the last couple of months. You have to really be on top of everything with this approach, and be prepared to enforce the consequences when things go in the wrong direction. I am in general a pretty easy going person. I don't want to micro parent my children. The last few weeks I have been easing up on them, because they've been good, and I thought they earned a little freedom. When they would pull their antics I should have jumping right on it, but I let it go a time or two. I figured, kids are kids they make mistakes. But then they just kept pushing, taking things to the next level. I know they're testing the limits, to see if I'm still serious about things.

Here's the confusing part. I noticed when I was on them like white on rice, they were better behaved. When I give them more freedom they're heathens. What gives? I don't like to be micromanaged, why do they? Maybe I'm weird, but even as a child, I hated people watching my every move, making sure I had done what I was supposed to. I policed myself. I went to bed on time, did my chores (except for picking up the dog poop-I hated that), did my homework-you get the idea. Why do my children want me to be a drill sargent?

And....the thing that really gets when you do take away a privilege or ground them, their friends and the friends parents don't seem to get it. They think you're the unfair one....

If there is anyone out there with wisdom to share, please send it my way.......

Thursday, July 31, 2008

How Did I Get Here?

The last year has been a true whirlwind for me.

My husband had been talking about moving to the DFW area from Austin for the last few years, but since my family lives here, I didn't think he would really pull the trigger on that one....Then he just decided that it was time for a change. I couldn't think of a good reason to hold him back from a good job opportunity, he is the only one bringing in a salary......So, I supported him, managed the home improvements, put the house on the market and packed up our life and moved on. Everything seemed to be going so well, the house sold in two weeks-pretty great considering the market. Chandler came up here about a month before me, because his job started before the house sold and closed. He stayed with my parents, and all was well. We really thought we would find a home in no time-WRONG! It took three miserable months. We found a beautiful home, more than we wanted to spend know how it goes. We moved in late March, and the home repairs started. You know that movie The Money Pit? We're living it.

In thinking about all the projects to be done, the thought occurred to me....How did I get here? We live one street away from my parents-same neighborhood. In the same town I graduated high school in and couldn't wait to get out of.

I graduated on a Friday night and started college the very next Monday. I never thought I would be back here, and here I am. Weird....Moral of the story-never say never.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Who Knew Pinking Shears Were So Expensive?

Megan's birthday is Friday. We have planned a slumber party with her two best buds, where there will be a cookout, croquet,spa time, and an art project.

The art project is making those fluffy flip flops. The girls are all excited, and we went and bought the fabric today down at the local JoAnn's. I went to get a pair of pinking shears, and those little gems are thru the roof! The Fiskar's were $35........I'm not the craftiest girl in the world, so I had no idea of their apparent value.

Needless to say, we went with plain straight edge. This could turn out to be a mistake, one I'm willing to risk....

I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chuy's in Round Rock

We went to Austin the other day on the spur of the moment. After our errands we wanted to go to our favorite mexican restaurant, Chuy's. We have now been in the metroplex about 8 months and have not had truly wonderful mexican food-a shame really......So as you can imagine we were dying for some good ol queso, margaritas, chuychangas, enchiladas, creamy jalapeno dip and pico. We stopped by the Chuy's in Round Rock on our way out of town and I think it might be up there with the best meal of my life. To understand my loyalty to Chuy's you should probably know that we used to go there every Friday night while pregnant with Jacob, and most Friday nights after that-so you see I love the place. We had a short wait and were seated in the back. I had a sublime margarita which I enjoyed every drop. The food was better than I had remembered, and the service-perfect. If you ever get a chance to go there-do yourself a favor, run don't walk.

I left with a full tummy and a happy heart as it was not just nourishment for my body, but for my soul as well.

We got home late that night, and after telling a neighbor about our visit, she tells me there is a Chuy's in Dallas. Woo hoo I'm a lucky girl :-).

Monday, July 28, 2008

What's a pimento?

That is a question I have asked many times, and have never answered.

The wait is over people! I have a definition according to

Pimento: A large, red, heart-shaped sweet pepper that measures 3 to 4 inches long and 2 to 3 inches wide. The flesh of the pimiento (the Spanish word for "pepper") is sweet, succulent and more aromatic than that of the red bell pepper... Pimientos are the familiar red stuffing found in green olives.

Let's all make a martini and celebrate, shall we?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

PawPaw's Grandbaby's

I was on Martha Stewart's blog the other day and under her "pets" section she talks about her chow chow, PawPaw's passing. Now I know in my logical mind that this is ridiculous, but I was so upset. I actually cried about a dog I don't know passing. I have seen him on her show forever, he definitely had a presence about him.Well, the good news is that I was on her blog again this morning, and she blogged about the possibility of adopting his grandbaby's. It turns out that his daughter has had a litter, and they are just precious. There are three in the litter, and she's trying to decide which one to pick, though all on her blog insist she take them all. I guess she does have the space......Anywhooo, if your a dog lover like myself you should go to her website and check out the picks.BTW-I'll miss you Estelle Getty. Megan and I still watch Golden Girls re-runs, and you make us laugh every time.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Barn Swallows

In this "new" home we have had visitors for the last few months. A couple of barn swallows. They are lovely in theory. A place for birds to take shelter, have babies- what could be sweeter?

Well, I tell you their poop is not so sweet. They poo on everything! Forget sitting on the back porch, their home, they poo on the chairs, table, grill, anything they can find, really.

When I went out to feed the dogs this morning, at 530, they were not in their nests. They haven't been around all day either. Could it be true? Could they really be gone?

I hate to admit this, but I would like to make it where they won't come back. In the meantime, I'll be power washing.......

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Trip to Brady

The day started off quite early, 5:30 to be exact. We hit the road at about 5:45 coffee in hand. The kids were actually pretty good. The griping didn't start until about 6:00.......

We arrived in Brady about 10 after a few potty breaks, and of course a stop at Starbucks. My Dad's mom lives in Brady which was the purpose of our trip. We had a great day, Granny had made 2 german chocolate cakes-from scratch. One for my family and one for Mom and Dad.

She met my son for the first time, and fell in love. J's 3, but he had not been on previous trips. Granny gave Meg some jewelry, and J a piggy bank. We ate at Hard 8 BBQ. Very good-if you go thru, get the turkey-surprisingly moist....

Granny is dying to get the measuring cups that Paula Deen has been using lately. They're made from pewter-very pretty. She's not computer savvy, so asked me to locate them. I called her this morning with the news. The good-I found them, the bad-they're $158.00......
We both decided they're not that pretty.....

We left at about 3:30 and got home a bit before 8.

It was a great trip.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Burgers Lake

So, I was invited to go along to Burgers Lake today, with the kids that is. We went and had a good time. Of course my dad was freaked out, because I had a cousin who died after swimming in Lake Texohma a few years ago. He died from the amoeba parasite. He was about 9 at the time if I remember correctly. I told the kids to just keep their faces out of the water, and it should be fine. What was I thinking? I feel more and more every day that I'm just a ghost around here-no one listens to me......Of course their faces are going to get wet.....I'm feeling a bit better about it though, because it is a spring fed lake, that is definitely not stagnant, and is constantly filtered.

The good news-the kids are worn out, and are taking a nap. Ah...if only for a little while....

Hoping to go to the Kimball Art Museum soon to see the Impressionists Exhibit soon-will let you know....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Visit to the Doctor

Do you ever wonder why it takes so long to see the Dr. when you have an appt, and then he/she only spends 3-4 minutes with you? I do....

So, we had an appt with the dermatologist this morning for my son (he has eczema) at 945. Yes, the doc takes Sat appts-great.

We got there a couple of minutes early, like your supposed to....and then waited an hour and ten minutes to see the doctor. Yes, waited with a 3 yr old boy, and 9 yr old girl-lots of fun.

When I asked the receptionist how much longer it would be at 1015, she said there was 6 patients in front of us. That is absolutely ridiculous!

The doctor finally came in at 1035 or so. I swear he didn't spend more than 3 minutes with us....

Whew, I feel better....thanks for letting me vent.....

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Jonas Brothers

I finally got the pleasure of rockin with the Jonas Brothers.

Quite honestly, I had heard of them, knew my nine year old daughter loved them, but beyond that-forget it.

My best friend from high school had two extra tickets for Wednesday's concert in Dallas, and invited Meg and me to go. It was outside, which at first wasn't the most exciting prospect seeing as how it was 100 degrees outside.....but it was actually pretty nice. We sat on a blanket out on the lawn and got to listen to about 10,000 girls scream at any inkling of a sighting.

The concert lasted about two hours, I really didn't understand 3 words out of any given song, but it was good for some mother/daughter bonding time. It didn't hurt that I was the coolest mom on the block that week, because nobody else had tickets....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

State of the Economy

We're all being hit with higher prices on everything, but no higher incomes. There are times it really does worry me. I know we can let our minds wander, and make things worse than they actually are, but things are looking bleak-in my opinion.

Yet, in an election time, we're not hearing much from our candidates on how they are going to handle this. I know McCain and Obama came out today and said a few things, but they didn't really answer all of our questions. I don't know that they ever will, really. I know McMcain is ready to continue tax cuts to big business, and all Bush's tax cuts. I know Obama has come out and said he wants to give more tax cuts to the middle class and families with children. That sounds great. But, how are we really going to get our economy back to where it needs to be? Back to a point where not all companies are looking at layoffs just to survive, where filling up your gas tank didn't cost 2 arms and 2 legs, where a gallon of milk didn't cost more than an hour of minimum wage.

At the end of the day, I would like them to be more specific. This is incredibly important, I want to know what I will be voting for, not a glossed over version of the truth.

I have always been republican, big Bush supporter (hate me if you will) but now I find myself identifying with democrats more each day......

I would love to see more efforts to save the environment, more efforts to help the middle class, and more jobs of value so people can actually earn a decent living. Though, I don't think we should bring all the troops home just yet, and I don't agree with having illegals (without work visas) in our country, and supporting their children.

Well, one thing I can say for certain, this election with be heated, and it will be interesting......

Monday, July 7, 2008

Trash TV

I don't usually watch a lot of reality TV.

Disclaimer: I did watch Survivior the first season or two, last season's Big Brother, and Paradise Hotel. These are things I am not proud of.....

But yesterday, I just wanted to veg out. I discovered The Kardashians, Denise Richards, and Kathy Griffin. I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but I actually enjoyed them....

The following is my opinion of each.

The Kardashians:
I feel sorry for Bruce. He lives with all those women, who I think the mother has lost her mind. To convince Kim (her oldest daughter) to pose for Playboy...what is up with that woman? Having her daughter pose, and then nagging her to take it all off...get a grip! Then to publish the calendar that she made for Reggie, without even asking-I felt for Kim.... You really do have to watch this show to believe it all.

Denise: She doesn't seem to be as much of a B as she has been portrayed to be. Her show is my fav. She seems to be a great mom, and a down to earth person.

Kathy: Wow does she have a mouth on her. What is her obsession with gay people? I don't have a problem with gay people, but she is just in love with them......

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Bark Collar and the Lamp

I have had an objection to bark collars has long as I can remember. I have since let that objection go. Since we have moved into our current home, about 3 months ago, and my daughter has turned into a social butterfly, our doorbell never stops ringing.........

We have two dachshunds, affectionately called wiener dogs, that yip like you wouldn't believe.
I have tried telling them to hush, holding them, you name it-it doesn't work. So, I made the fateful trip to Petco and got 2 bark collars.

Well our oldest wiener, Norman (black and tan mini) has wised up and decided he will no longer be wearing that damn thing-his words not mine.

I went to go put his on and he decided he would hide. He's little so he can hide a myriad of places. I looked everywhere, and found him under the couch. As I squeezed behind the recliner to get to the couch, he darts out from underneath and goes out the front. I try to squeeze back out and trip on the dog bed. I'm okay-I rebound and chase him into my son's room where he's under the bed. I act like I've given up so he'll come out. After a few minutes he does and goes back under the couch. I say, "Ah-ha, I'll pull the couch out and grab his tail"! I pull the couch out with a vengeance and the lamp flew across the room with that same vengeance......I put the couch back-he's gone by now. Put the lamp back on the table, and I hear him near the laundry room. I sneak up and grab him. Have you seen that new Huggies commercial where the Dad goes to change the baby boy's diaper on the bed and when he opens the diaper pp goes everywhere? Well, a mad wiener dog can do that too....Pee everywhere! Not to fear, putting him outside and cleaning all that up. I waited him out. It's hot outside, he eventually wanted in. He had to have a bark collar on before he was allowed entry.

You always have to watch out for those small, wiry ones.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Who Is That In My Backyard?

So I'm sitting in the living room yesterday with a full view of my backyard. I was actually on the computer when something moved in the corner of my eye. I looked up to find a strange man in my backyard. It wasn't the guy checking the meter-he was younger, dressed in pants, short sleeve shirt, ball cap, and wore a back pack. Does this sound weird to anyone? It's July 2nd, approximately 98 degrees, no school in session. As he passes thru my yard into my neighbor's, I call the non-emergency police line and report the "incident". They assure me someone will be here shortly to check things out. I call back later to see if I can find out just what exactly is going on and am told that they made contact and it was fine. I said, "okay", and moved on. Then I gave it more thought and decided, I'm not comfortable with someone passing thru my backyard, so I call back to investigate further. Funny thing-the police dept has no record of me even calling-they don't know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, I feel safe.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Am I Happier Now That I Have Children?

There's a new report out today that states that married couples who have children, are not as happy as married couples who do not.

For those of us who have listened to the continual whining of a 3 year old for hours on end might just agree, but with those days come the hours of starring into our newborn's eyes with complete and total admiration.

I think I go in phases. You can't possibly know the heartache and the complete and udder joy of being a parent, until you have been one. My daughter (she'll be 9 in Aug) has been shall we say, less than agreeable for the past few years, and we actually started going to counseling to seek help in dealing with her. What I discovered there is that maybe, just maybe it wasn't all her fault. We love our children so much that we want them to have it all. We want them to have it better than we did, and we never want them to hurt. In protecting, and providing we create a monster. One that believes the world is their oyster, and that your main function is to provide endlessly. I discovered in therapy that it is actually okay to discipline your child. I thought over the years that if I made her friend go home, or took away her dessert I was being mean. Now I realize it's exactly what I should have been doing. Children need to learn the hard lessons we all learned. They need to learn respect for their parents and others. Our therepist recommended the book "Parenting with Love and Logic". At first I thought it was a bit harsh, but by that point I was willing to try just about anything. Well, it works. The secret-you need to find their currency. If you don't have that, forget it, it's a waste of time. Now, she's back to being the sweet person I always knew she was. So my point, is that going thru all the trials and tribulations I think I would have been happier without children, but now that I have the tools to deal with the issues, I think I'm happier with them. Sure I would like to go to the Kimball Art Museum to see the Impressionists Exhibition with out the kids, but I also wouldn't give up hearing "I love you Mommy" for any exhibition, house, car or freedom in the world.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Am I the only one who's hot?!

I know there are a lot of things that others are dealing with that are much worse than the heat. The fires in CA, the droughts in FL, flooding in the midwest, but gravy.....I'm hot! So, this new home (10 yrs old, new to us) that we are in, apparently is not very energy efficient, we learned that the hard way....and to make a long story short, we are keeping the AC on 80, day and night. Our bedroom gets to 85 during the day, and I'm feeling the heat this year. With the increase in electricity rates, one just can't afford to keep cool, unless of course you're a Rockefeller.

Speaking of rate increases, I know I speak for many when I express my anger about gas, milk, bread, veggies, well....everything! I've had it. I'm going to stop buying as many things as I can. Clothes, home decorations, stuff in general. I'm going old school. I've already started canning, and I'm now planning my first garden. I'm getting the bed prepared now and letting it rest over the winter. I think this is a good idea not only to save $, but also so I don't have to worry about food safety. Now, it's not just tomatoes, but cilantro, jalapenos and more.......what gives?

Monday, June 30, 2008

Welcome All

Hello and welcome to all.

So, as you can see from the about me section, I am a happily married mom of two. I stopped working when my oldest was three. In my past life, I was a Human Resources Professional. I loved my job, and the work that I did, but in my heart I felt that it was important to be home with my daughter. Once I started staying home, it just seemed natural to have another. My children are 5 1/2 years apart, and so many people told me that would be the biggest challenge, it's normal for us, so it seems to work.

We moved to Mansfield in Dec of 07 from the Austin area. I actually graduated from Mansfield High School, and vowed I would never return, funny how life works out.....Chandler (my husband) got a new job that brought us to the area. I miss Austin, it will always be a special place for me.