Thursday, July 3, 2008

Who Is That In My Backyard?

So I'm sitting in the living room yesterday with a full view of my backyard. I was actually on the computer when something moved in the corner of my eye. I looked up to find a strange man in my backyard. It wasn't the guy checking the meter-he was younger, dressed in pants, short sleeve shirt, ball cap, and wore a back pack. Does this sound weird to anyone? It's July 2nd, approximately 98 degrees, no school in session. As he passes thru my yard into my neighbor's, I call the non-emergency police line and report the "incident". They assure me someone will be here shortly to check things out. I call back later to see if I can find out just what exactly is going on and am told that they made contact and it was fine. I said, "okay", and moved on. Then I gave it more thought and decided, I'm not comfortable with someone passing thru my backyard, so I call back to investigate further. Funny thing-the police dept has no record of me even calling-they don't know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, I feel safe.

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