Friday, August 1, 2008

I Am So Confused......

For those of you who have been reading my blog, you're aware that I have been using the "Love and Logic" approach on my children for the last couple of months. You have to really be on top of everything with this approach, and be prepared to enforce the consequences when things go in the wrong direction. I am in general a pretty easy going person. I don't want to micro parent my children. The last few weeks I have been easing up on them, because they've been good, and I thought they earned a little freedom. When they would pull their antics I should have jumping right on it, but I let it go a time or two. I figured, kids are kids they make mistakes. But then they just kept pushing, taking things to the next level. I know they're testing the limits, to see if I'm still serious about things.

Here's the confusing part. I noticed when I was on them like white on rice, they were better behaved. When I give them more freedom they're heathens. What gives? I don't like to be micromanaged, why do they? Maybe I'm weird, but even as a child, I hated people watching my every move, making sure I had done what I was supposed to. I policed myself. I went to bed on time, did my chores (except for picking up the dog poop-I hated that), did my homework-you get the idea. Why do my children want me to be a drill sargent?

And....the thing that really gets when you do take away a privilege or ground them, their friends and the friends parents don't seem to get it. They think you're the unfair one....

If there is anyone out there with wisdom to share, please send it my way.......

Thursday, July 31, 2008

How Did I Get Here?

The last year has been a true whirlwind for me.

My husband had been talking about moving to the DFW area from Austin for the last few years, but since my family lives here, I didn't think he would really pull the trigger on that one....Then he just decided that it was time for a change. I couldn't think of a good reason to hold him back from a good job opportunity, he is the only one bringing in a salary......So, I supported him, managed the home improvements, put the house on the market and packed up our life and moved on. Everything seemed to be going so well, the house sold in two weeks-pretty great considering the market. Chandler came up here about a month before me, because his job started before the house sold and closed. He stayed with my parents, and all was well. We really thought we would find a home in no time-WRONG! It took three miserable months. We found a beautiful home, more than we wanted to spend know how it goes. We moved in late March, and the home repairs started. You know that movie The Money Pit? We're living it.

In thinking about all the projects to be done, the thought occurred to me....How did I get here? We live one street away from my parents-same neighborhood. In the same town I graduated high school in and couldn't wait to get out of.

I graduated on a Friday night and started college the very next Monday. I never thought I would be back here, and here I am. Weird....Moral of the story-never say never.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Who Knew Pinking Shears Were So Expensive?

Megan's birthday is Friday. We have planned a slumber party with her two best buds, where there will be a cookout, croquet,spa time, and an art project.

The art project is making those fluffy flip flops. The girls are all excited, and we went and bought the fabric today down at the local JoAnn's. I went to get a pair of pinking shears, and those little gems are thru the roof! The Fiskar's were $35........I'm not the craftiest girl in the world, so I had no idea of their apparent value.

Needless to say, we went with plain straight edge. This could turn out to be a mistake, one I'm willing to risk....

I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chuy's in Round Rock

We went to Austin the other day on the spur of the moment. After our errands we wanted to go to our favorite mexican restaurant, Chuy's. We have now been in the metroplex about 8 months and have not had truly wonderful mexican food-a shame really......So as you can imagine we were dying for some good ol queso, margaritas, chuychangas, enchiladas, creamy jalapeno dip and pico. We stopped by the Chuy's in Round Rock on our way out of town and I think it might be up there with the best meal of my life. To understand my loyalty to Chuy's you should probably know that we used to go there every Friday night while pregnant with Jacob, and most Friday nights after that-so you see I love the place. We had a short wait and were seated in the back. I had a sublime margarita which I enjoyed every drop. The food was better than I had remembered, and the service-perfect. If you ever get a chance to go there-do yourself a favor, run don't walk.

I left with a full tummy and a happy heart as it was not just nourishment for my body, but for my soul as well.

We got home late that night, and after telling a neighbor about our visit, she tells me there is a Chuy's in Dallas. Woo hoo I'm a lucky girl :-).

Monday, July 28, 2008

What's a pimento?

That is a question I have asked many times, and have never answered.

The wait is over people! I have a definition according to

Pimento: A large, red, heart-shaped sweet pepper that measures 3 to 4 inches long and 2 to 3 inches wide. The flesh of the pimiento (the Spanish word for "pepper") is sweet, succulent and more aromatic than that of the red bell pepper... Pimientos are the familiar red stuffing found in green olives.

Let's all make a martini and celebrate, shall we?