For those of you who have been reading my blog, you're aware that I have been using the "Love and Logic" approach on my children for the last couple of months. You have to really be on top of everything with this approach, and be prepared to enforce the consequences when things go in the wrong direction. I am in general a pretty easy going person. I don't want to micro parent my children. The last few weeks I have been easing up on them, because they've been good, and I thought they earned a little freedom. When they would pull their antics I should have jumping right on it, but I let it go a time or two. I figured, kids are kids they make mistakes. But then they just kept pushing, taking things to the next level. I know they're testing the limits, to see if I'm still serious about things.
Here's the confusing part. I noticed when I was on them like white on rice, they were better behaved. When I give them more freedom they're heathens. What gives? I don't like to be micromanaged, why do they? Maybe I'm weird, but even as a child, I hated people watching my every move, making sure I had done what I was supposed to. I policed myself. I went to bed on time, did my chores (except for picking up the dog poop-I hated that), did my homework-you get the idea. Why do my children want me to be a drill sargent?
And....the thing that really gets when you do take away a privilege or ground them, their friends
and the friends parents don't seem to get it. They think you're the unfair one....
If there is anyone out there with wisdom to share, please send it my way.......
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