Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Reading Is All Fizzled Out

Per my old post, I have been reading like a mad woman. Summer has been hot, so of course I've been lazy. Reading a good book sounded like the perfect solution, and it was, if only for a while. I've read "Something Borrowed" by Emily Giffin, great read. It's quite the page turner, and quite enjoyable. I then went on to her next novel, "Something Blue". This was a good read as well though I felt she spent too much time catching those who have not read the previous one up on all the details. I have just started her third novel, "Baby Proof". I've read the first three chapters and have yet to be enchanted.

We are having our new roof put on in the next few days, so I will have to be out of the house the entire time. I'm thinking a trip to the library is in order to help fill the space. Maybe I'll see what else they have. Oh, I also started reading "Can You Keep A Secret?" by Sophie Kinsella. Read thru the first couple chapters and not hooked. Hmmm, is it me or the books? I'm not sure. With everything that's been going on lately, I'm in a bit of a funk. I got my new espresso machine in the other day, haven't even taken it out of the box.......This is big for me-I'm a latte lover.

Tonight is meet the teacher night up at Megan's school. She starts Monday, so it's back to the grindstone. Maybe that will get me back in the swing of things....

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