Norman was our wiener dog that Chandler and I got when we were first married back in 96. He was a mini black and tan that caused so much trouble, but we loved him anyway. We nursed him thru two back surgeries and one broken heart. He was very attached to Junior, one of my other dachshunds that passed away in 2002. That's the time we got Annabelle from dachshund rescue. Norman had become much less active after his back surgeries, especially this last one in 2005. Chandler and I debated on whether or not to put him down at that time, but he seemed happy, so we did everything we could to help him. Between the physical therapy, and acupuncture, he made great strides and still had quality of life. In the last couple of years during his routine vet visits, the vet mentioned that his heart was deteriorating. He was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure last month. He had actually collapsed a couple of times in the last couple of weeks, but after a period of rest, was okay. Well, Saturday night, we think he experienced a stroke. Sunday morning he was alive, but lifeless. He didn't seem to be in any pain, so I thought that maybe he just need to rest for the day. But, then he started to vomit, and seemed to be in pain, so at about 1:30 in the morning on Monday morning, I took him into the emergency vet. I really wanted to take him to his usual vet, but I was not going to let him suffer.
The vet took very good care of him, he was very respectful. Norman went so peacefully. I know this sounds crazy, but I think he was relieved. I was relieved for him. I spent the day yesterday remembering all his antics, and the crazy things he would do, like eat a jar of Vaseline.....That dog opened the jar, and ate the entire thing! He pooped Vaseline for a week.....Those things make me chuckle, and remember him fondly. I will miss him always. We have taken him to our normal vet, and we're having him cremated so that I can keep his ashes with pictures, his collar, and favorite toy.
1 comment:
So sorry to hear about Norman's passing. it's such a hearbreak to loose a pet we love, yet at least we have the options to help them get to puppy heaven in an easy manner.
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