I got an e-mail this morning from Ina Garten. I realize it was one of those mass e-mails, but still, it was from Ina. You know Ina, the Barefoot Contessa, LOVE her. She has just come out with a new cookbook, I ordered a signed copy-don't tell Chandler.....he might actually think that was a frivolous purchase, what does he know.....
So, I'm back to water aerobics. I have started at Lifetime Fitness. It's a very nice facility, the teachers are great, and I'm having a lot of fun. That was the final piece of the puzzle to getting my life back on track. The final piece, but what a big piece it was.
One of my friends, Leigh is having a baby soon. I know she reads this blog from time to time, so I can't tell you what I got her, but buying all those baby things can be quite dangerous....I'm not sure, but I think they make my clock tick, you know what I mean? To this day I can't go in Babies R Us, I'm certain they pump some kind of smell in that place that makes me get baby fever again. Don't worry though, I remain strong, that and my husband's been "fixed".....
I'm off to read my little one a bedtime story, have a good day......